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Horseman Forsman

It takes the time it takes …

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Kontakta Nina Westlin E-POST

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Kontakta Mari de Jong E-POST

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Kontakta Pernilla Johansson E-POST
eller Bettan Einarsson E-POST

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Stefan’s training methods are painless for the horse, but they are still so effective because they are based on knowledge of the horse's way of seeing the world. No matter what goals you have, or what horse you have bought, by applying this basic knowledge of horse psychology and training approach, you will achieve a better relationship with your horse. In addition, you give one more horse a better life.
Hanne Kringstad
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Stefan Forsman is regarded by the renowned American equine veterinarian Dr Robert M. Miller as one of the key horse professionals in the world to introduce the humane method of horse training now known as natural horsemanship. He has helped to inspire a generation of progressive animal workers with his Forsmanship methods - including professionals like Gary Witheford from the racing industry in the UK (who writes at length about Stefan in a new book released this year) to a new frontline of animal communicators in the USA to hundreds of horse people in Scandinavia who will return to Stefan’s work decades later. Stefan emerges from a background in developing highly trained animals for working purposes and sets himself apart from alternative trainers who ‘whisper’, talk or see mental pictures sent by animals. He believes in developing animals who are safe to be around, controllable and can be trusted in life and death situations. IN THE VIDEO BELOW made by Hanne Kringstad - a student of Stefan’s in Norway, Forsman shows how quickly with proper training a horse can be trained to be safe to ride. Hanne writes:

Video av Hanne Kringstad — Holen Ranch 2014

Denne videoen illustrerer hvor raskt en hest kan trenes til å bli en trygg ridehest med korrekt trening. Stefan Forsmans treningsmetoder er smertefrie for hesten, men de er likevel så effektive fordi de er basert på kunnskap om hestens måte å se verden på. Grunnleggende kunnskap om hestepsykologi vil gjøre enhver som trener hester mer suksessfull uansett hvilke mål man har, og på kjøpet får man et bedre forhold til dyrene man jobber med. I tillegg gir man hestene et bedre liv med mindre frykt, stress og smerte.

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Bjørg Andreassen Hals in the picture above with her champion arab Zantos talks about her amazing learning journey with Stefan Forsman since 1997. CLICK PHOTO OR HERE TO READ THE INTERVIEW: THE RECIPE FOR FORSMANSHIP

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Stefan works with Bjørg (above) this year to help her train a young two year old. READ OUR INTERVIEW WITH BJØRG: THE RECIPE FOR FORSMANSHIP

... Special Thanks go to Anne Lene Tveten Ekkje for this photo collage …

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All supplies for your horse … visit - Øvrevoll Hestesport AS | Tel: +47 67 14 52 10 | E-post:
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