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Forsmanship Foundation Program Bringing Results

Forsmanship Foundation Program Bringing Results
Roundpen work - important groundwork using Forsmanship methods - is bringing horses and owners closer together. Caroline, a student from Norway has reported some happy results with her pony Marisol after attending one of my foundation courses. Caroline published in her blog this week on She wrote that the course was very informative! msol norge

She says that it’s been a while since she was on the course but last weekend she finally set up a round pen to put the methods to work and her friend took some photos.

Caroline writes that she practiced until Marisol was walking behind her. She reported that no matter how slow or how fast she moved around the paddock, her horse always responded to her stopping and followed her accordingly. No headstall. No leadrope involved. ”She respected me as a leader,” Caroline said. ”I practiced the twists, it was I who moved her legs .. it was a warm and fun-filled day! :)”


Excellent work Caroline !!

Groundwork filmed at the Løten Clinic
In the video (above) student Simone Hornsletten documents the journey of a horse that was a focus of a groundwork training course in Løten in Norway in April. On the practical weekend, I suffered with a fever and cold and managed to bring the horse to a satisfactory stage within approximately 40-60 minutes. The horse became completely in harmony with me. It was totally relaxed, following me wherever I went and was completely loose the whole time. The final result was possible because the horse came to trust and completely accept me as its eyes and body and therefore the leader of the pack.

As soon as a horse is relaxed mentally, then they are also relaxed in their body. It is important to build this relationship first with your horse - on the ground. I work not on the body but on the horse's psyche, his mind. Other training that uses candy, coercion, pain or tricks just doesn't work - such methods are not sustainable.

horse follow

"It is important to build this relationship first with your horse - on the ground. I work not on the body but on the horse's psyche, his mind. Other training that uses candy, coercion, pain or tricks just doesn't work - such methods are not sustainable " - Stefan Forsman

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